OpenWISP Controller 1.0.0
Network Management System
A Hackable Network Management System for the 21st Century
Stato di sviluppo: stabile
Funzionalità del software
Network Management & Automation
Special focus on wireless networks (public wifi, mesh networks, community networks, IoT)
Allows to build custom applications
Informazioni di dettaglio
OpenWISP Controller 1.0.0
Network Management System
Licenza GPL-3.0-only
Piattaforme abilitanti Nessuna
Conformità Nessuna
Lista dipendenze Nessuna
Lingue supportate
Descrizione estesa
OpenWISP is a software platform designed to ease and automate the management of networks, with a special focus on wireless networks, mainly used in public wifi, mesh networks, community networks and IoT scenarios. OpenWISP 2, launched in December 2016, is the new generation of the software which is gradually replacing OpenWISP 1 and aims to build an ecosystem of applications and tools that make it easy for developers to build custom networking applications in order to bring innovation in the network infrastructure of communities that most need it.