Funzionalità del software

ShakeMap4 Web Page

  • research
  • Informazioni di dettaglio

    ShakeMap4 Web Page v1.28.0


    Ultimo rilascio 2024-06-11 (v1.28.0)

    Tipo di manutenzione internal

    Stato publiccode.yml

    Descrizione estesa

    The development presented in this project is aimed towards providing a simple web interface to show the products of the USGS ShakeMap v.4 software ( The web interface renders the standard products provided by ShakeMap dynamically (using leafelet and statically (standard shakemaps). The apperance of the web portal is easily configurable by replacing the logo and banners. The software can be installed both laptops and on server computers. This work has been partially funded by the Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe (SERA) project (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program Grant Agreement Number 730900) and by the Italian Civil Protection (2019–2021) B2 ShakeMap adjournment project.