HYP2000-WS 2.5.1
Web Service built on top of hypoinverse, a software used to Locate earthquakes.
Contatto tecnico Valentino Lauciani
Stato di sviluppo: stabile
Funzionalità del software
Web Service built on top of hypoinverse
Software used to locate earthquakes and determine magnitudes in a local or regional seismic network
Informazioni di dettaglio
HYP2000-WS 2.5.1
Ultimo rilascio 2019-12-05 (2.5.1)
Tipo di manutenzione internal
Stato publiccode.yml
Licenza AGPL-3.0-or-later
Piattaforme abilitanti Nessuna
Conformità Nessuna
Lista dipendenze Nessuna
Descrizione estesa
Hypoinverse is software used to Locate earthquakes and determine magnitudes in a local or regional seismic network. More info aboute Hypoinverse, here: https://www.usgs.gov/software/hypoinverse-earthquake-location At INGV we build stand-alone Docker to deploy “hyp2000” (https://github.com/ingv/hyp2000) and on top of that was buit a Web Service; It gets in input a JSON file with phases and amplitudes. For each station name, It searches the metadata (like Lat and Long) on the FDSN-StationXML Web Services around the world. The output could be in a standard format like ARC and PRT or in JSON.