uniCMS - Editorial Board v0.25.1
applicazione web
Reactive administration panel for uniCMS
Pubblicato da Università della Calabria
Contatto tecnico Francesco Filicetti
Stato di sviluppo: stabile
Funzionalità del software
Reactive administration panel for uniCMS
Università della Calabria - https://www.unical.it
Informazioni di dettaglio
uniCMS - Editorial Board v0.25.1
applicazione web
Ultimo rilascio 2021-12-03 (v0.25.1)
Tipo di manutenzione internal
Stato publiccode.yml
Licenza Apache-2.0
Piattaforme abilitanti Nessuna
Conformità GDPR Linee Guida Design Misure Minime Sicurezza
Lista dipendenze
Lingue supportate
Descrizione estesa
Dashboard for managing the contents of a uniCMS project. This is a Django app containing a Vue.js project that uses the editorial-board APIs in an intuitive and responsive CRUD interface. The interface is based on the free Bootstrap template “Vue Light Bootstrap Dashboard” (https://www.creative-tim.com/product/vue-light-bootstrap-dashboard) and is natively responsive. The integration of the BootstrapVue library (https://bootstrap-vue.org/) provides all the power and versatility of Bootstrap and its components (forms, icons, buttons, grids). The entire code is open source and therefore licensed under the Apache 2.0.