SmartPA - Document Classifier 1.0.0

Artificial Intelligence
Variante di Piccoli Elia

The focus of the project was to improve the document archiving process in compliance with the Protocollo Informatico Italian law.

Funzionalità del software

Document Classification

  • government
  • science-and-technology
  • Informazioni di dettaglio

    SmartPA - Document Classifier 1.0.0

    Artificial Intelligence

    Ultimo rilascio 2021-09-23 (1.0.0)

    Tipo di manutenzione internal

    Stato publiccode.yml

    Contatto tecnico

    Elia Piccoli +393459247156

    Descrizione estesa

    The focus of the project was to improve the document archiving process in compliance with the Protocollo Informatico Italian law. In fact, the user of public administration, in order to archive a protocol, has to fill various fields, in particular: needs to write a summary of the contents of the document (Oggetto), pick the correct document repository for the office (Contenitore) and then choose the correct class among many. The model will provide a top 3/5 prediction over the possible correct classes.