windrose stable

R + Shiny app

An automatic Shiny + R tool to produce wind roses starting from very simply formatted csv files

Funzionalità del software

Makeing wind roses from simple csv files

Informazioni di dettaglio

windrose stable

R + Shiny app

Ultimo rilascio 2021-07-21 (stable)

Tipo di manutenzione community

Stato publiccode.yml

Contatto tecnico

Paolo Veronesi

Descrizione estesa

A very simple tool to do something not so easy when using standard spreadsheets: wind roses. Based on the majestic openair package (, this simple tools allows the user to upload a easily formatted csv file (a demo file is provided) and automatically produces a 24h wind rose, a daylight wind rose and a nighttime wind rose. Some basic options are provided. The images can be exported as png. A working demo can be seen at: