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R + Shiny app

A simple and fast Shiny interface written in R that can be used to show some public WMS services along with a minimal set of drawing tools

Funzionalità del software

Showing different WMS services at the same time

Converting coordinates between WGS84 and UTM32

Drawing polygons and lines and make measures

Reverse georeferencing

Informazioni di dettaglio

mappatore dev

R + Shiny app

Ultimo rilascio 2021-07-21 (dev)

Tipo di manutenzione community

Stato publiccode.yml

Contatto tecnico

Paolo Veronesi

Descrizione estesa

Mappatore is a simple and fast Shiny interface written in R used mainly to show public WMS services. The simple code is very easily editable to add more WMS services. It also allows the user to upload a kml file and plot it along with the already shown WMS layers. The main use is to provide a very fast and simple small online GIS that can also be used in the field by all the operators who need a map on the fly with different reference layers. It also provides a very simple way to translate coordinates from geographical (WGS84) to UTM32. When used in the field from a smartphone or tablet it automatically brings the user to his/her position and it can be used to reverse georeference any point on the fly. An implementation of it is available freely at:

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