BATMAN 0.0.1
BAtch Task MANagment
BATMAN is designed to aid batch development
Pubblicato da
Gestito da
Contatto tecnico Marco Fioriti
Stato di sviluppo: in sviluppo
Funzionalità del software
batch development
batch scheduling
batch configuration
batch managment
Informazioni di dettaglio
BATMAN 0.0.1
BAtch Task MANagment
Ultimo rilascio 2022-05-11 (0.0.1)
Tipo di manutenzione internal
Stato publiccode.yml
Licenza MIT
Piattaforme abilitanti Nessuna
Conformità Nessuna
Lista dipendenze Nessuna
Descrizione estesa
BATMAN is based on Spring Batch and Spring Boot, is designed to aid batch development, scheduling, release and manage. Thanks to the DIRETTIVE scenarios, you can specify configurations of the jobs on the application.yml file. By “scenario” we mean the overall representation of the actions that that particular job must perform For example, the “BatchOne” scenario has its specific query to perform that is dynamically loaded into the job but, of course, it must still be managed specifically in the code. _BATMAN _exposes several REST services such as for example for the start/stop of all jobs in the context or the CRON scheduling for a single job.