DCC-Utils v0.5.0
NPM package containing a set of utilities to read EU Digital COVID Certificates, verify signatures and rules.
Published by Ministero della Salute
Gestito da Ministero della Salute
Technical contact Ministero della Salute
Development status: stable
Software functionality
Get DCC data
Verify DCC signature
Check DCC rules
Ministero della Salute
detailed information
DCC-Utils v0.5.0
Last release 2022-03-11 (v0.5.0)
Type of maintenance internal
Stato publiccode.yml
License AGPL-3.0-only
windows, mac, linux
Enabling platforms None
Compliance GDPR Design Guidelines Security Guidelines Interoperability Model
List of dependencies None
Supported languages
Api documentation DCC-Utils API
Extended description
NPM package containing a set of utilities to read EU Digital COVID Certificates, verify signatures and rules. You can fine more info on how to install and use DCC-Utils library here. You can find some examples on how to use DCC-Utils package inside the examples folder. For more info about DCC, please read our documentation.