QuakeML format to Extended text format v1.19.0
Docker image to QuakeML format to Extended text format.
Technical contact Valentino Lauciani
Development status: stable
Software functionality
Converter from QuakeML to Extended text format
detailed information
QuakeML format to Extended text format v1.19.0
Last release 2024-07-19 (v1.19.0)
Type of maintenance internal
Stato publiccode.yml
License AGPL-3.0-or-later
Enabling platforms None
Compliance None
List of dependencies None
Extended description
This project is developed to create a Docker image used to parse a full QuakeML (xml) file or QuakeML webservice response containing information on hypocenter and related arrival times picks, to return an Extended text format. More informations about the Extended text output format could be found here: https://github.com/ingv/qml2extendedtext FDNS-event QuakeML format is a flexible, extensible and modular XML representation of seismological data which is intended to cover a broad range of fields of application in modern seismology. More info about QuakeML: https://quake.ethz.ch/quakeml/