QuakeML to NonLinLoc PHS v1.25.0
Docker image to convert QuakeML format to NonLinLoc PHS format.
Technical contact Valentino Lauciani
Development status: stable
detailed information
QuakeML to NonLinLoc PHS v1.25.0
Last release 2023-01-03 (v1.25.0)
Type of maintenance internal
Stato publiccode.yml
License AGPL-3.0-or-later
Enabling platforms None
Compliance None
List of dependencies None
Extended description
This project is developed to create a Docker image with a simple converter from QuakeML to NonLinLoc PHS. QuakeML is a flexible, extensible and modular XML representation of seismological data which is intended to cover a broad range of fields of application in modern seismology. More info about QuakeML: https://quake.ethz.ch/quakeml/ The NonLinLoc (Non-Linear Location) package is a set of programs for velocity model construction, travel-time calculation and probabilistic, non-linear, global-search earthquake location in 3D structures, and for visualisation of 3D volume data and location results. Many of the programs operate with a 3D Grid structure which defines a specific, gridded, rectangular volume (Non-GLOBAL mode) or spherical section (GLOBAL mode). More info about NonLinLoc: http://alomax.free.fr/nlloc/