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erg5-eraclito stable


A fast and reliable viewer for climate data

Funzionalità del software

Showing, filtering and downloading 60 years of climate informations of Emilia Romagna

Informazioni di dettaglio

erg5-eraclito stable


Ultimo rilascio 2021-07-23 (stable)

Tipo di manutenzione community

Stato publiccode.yml

Contatto tecnico

Paolo Veronesi

Descrizione estesa

This software, written in R, and deployed as a Shiny application, is a fast and reliable solution to show, filter and download 60 years of climatic informations of Emilia Romagna Region in the Po Valley. The description of the dataset along with the original datasets is available (in Italian only) at: The original data sets need to be merged and compressed to fst file format in order to be used. A complete and compressed fst file format is available here: For more informations about the fst file format have a look at:

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