Services for the staff of the Public Administration
NoiPA is the platform created by the Department of General Administration of Personnel and Services (DAG) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) for the management of PA staff. The system works every day to be alongside the Public Administrations, following step by step all aspects related to staff management.
NoiPA is the place where you can find all information relating to every Italian public employee. It represents the modernization course of a state capable of creating innovative digital services aimed at make life easier for public employees and the administrations.
Using this platform it is possible to get information about the role and office of the employees of many of the public administrations. By integrating your software with this platform it is possible to obtain certified information about public administrations staff automatically.
Following the guidelines of the AgID the new NoiPA is structured using the paradigm of cloud computing that is improving operational efficiency.
The development of the new system has leveraged the consolidated experience in the context of NoiPA’s reference services, on skills acquired through the management of a significant part of the PA personnel, on the pre-existence of systems evolved cognitive. The creation of a single centralized personnel management system has resulted in a reduction in costs for the provision of the service, also thanks to the economies of scale generated by the expansion of the number of administrations served.
The system is designed around the user ensuring full flexibility and customization of operations.
NoiPA is open to collaboration with those who make research and innovation their goal. If you are a research institution or a university interested in collaborating with NoiPA for the realization of innovative projects nationally and internationally you can collaborate with NoiPA.
Open Data portal
Portal in which there is the publication of data in an open format, usable and reusable by all developers who are interested in it.
Executive Summary
Cloudify NoiPA high level design. High-level summary document of the "Cloudify NoiPA" digital transformation program.
Business Process Management (BPM)
Guidelines for the design of Business Process Management (BPM). It contains the description of services and the definition of business process configuration.
Agile methodology design guidelines
Description of the Agile development methods of the Cloudify NoiPA project.
Through the use of interactive demos, users will be able to evaluate digital products and services, both pre and post release in production, also favoring the dissemination of new services. Furthermore, selected samples of users may be involved for the usability testing phases, with a view to co-creation of the new platform.
It represents a direct communication channel between the end users of the service and the Administration. It allows the insertion of proposals or new requirements on issues related to the services offered by NoiPA creating a digital bridge between all the levels involved.
NoiPA ontology
NoiPA data ontology OWL file.
Published datasets are available on the Dataset page.
Access the Virtuoso SPARQL Query Editor application, which will allow you to query the NOIPA Linked Open Data and download the required data.