
Index of the Public Administration (IPA)

Database of national interest pursuant to Article 57-bis paragraph 1 of the Codice dell'Amministrazione Digitale.

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The Index of Public Administrations (IPA) is a public database of information provided by Public Administrations and by Public Service Managers and aimed at disclosing:

  • the certified email address of the Public Service Managers and Homogeneous Organizational Areas (protocol offices) of Public Administrations, to facilitate the exchange of electronic documents through official channels;
  • the unique code that identifies the offices of the Public Administrations needed to send electronic invoices.

The IPA therefore represents a census of Public Administrations and Public Service Managers, accessible to anyone, containing in addition to the aforementioned data (mandatory by law) also summary information on the entity (address, tax code, legal representative, website, social channels, classification …), on its organizational structure (organization chart, offices, managers, addresses, telephone, email …) and on the services provided (description, delivery web channel, contact email …).

IPA information is used for example as a reference by the Ministry of Economy and Finance for the identification of the Public Administrations required to apply the split payment mechanism referred to in article 17-ter of the d.P.R. 26 October 1972, n. 633 (Split-payment) and to feed the database of Public Administrations (BDAP) for the monitoring of public finance trends.


  • Home page

    Index page of the platform

  • Documentation

    Platform documentation. The documentation includes both documents for end users and technical documentation of web services to build an integration with the platform.

  • Open Data

    Access to platform data in Open Data format. The iPA adheres to the philosophy of open data and initiates a path based on access to public data without restrictions. The data is accessible from here and is saved using open formats.

  • Web Services

    Access data via web services. The web services published on iPA allow you to fetch some contents from the site. Here you can find the documentation and procedures for accessing the platform's web services.

  • LDAP Protocol

    Access to data via LDAP protocol. Here you will find the guides and processes to get access to platform data via LDAP.