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SPID React button 0.2.1

SPID React component
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A React component for the SPID button




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Stato di sviluppo: stabile

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Informazioni di dettaglio

SPID React button 0.2.1

SPID React component

Ultimo rilascio 2021-04-21 (0.2.1)

Tipo di manutenzione community

Contatto tecnico

Marco Liberati

Lingue supportate Italiano

Descrizione estesa

A React component for the SPID button batteries included: all you need to configure is how to pass the information to the server, the rest is generated by the component.

The library has been designed to provide the maximum level of configuration for the button, from styling to the communication layer, while keeping the footprint as small as possible with full treeshake. The key drivers of the library are accessibility and quality, providing the best accessibility faetures with zero configuration from the developer and a full test coverage of the code base with extensive documentation and Typescript types.

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