
Developers Italia We develop public services, together

Follow us 0.2.4

Plone addon

Tipo di contenuto notizia aggiuntivo




The vitality index, as explicited in the guidelines for the acquisition and reuse of software for Italian PA, is calculated according to the following four main categories:

  • Code activity: the daily number of commits and merges;
  • Release history: the daily number of releases;
  • User community: the number of unique authors;
  • Longevity: the age of the project.

The ranges of every measure can be found in the vitality-ranges.yml file.

Development status: stable

Software functionality


Regione Emilia-Romagna

detailed information 0.2.4

Plone addon

Last release 2019-05-16 (0.2.4)

Type of maintenance contract

Contract with Software support ended RedTurtle until the 2020-08-31

Supported languages Italian

Extended description

Plugin per Plone che aggiunge un nuovo tipo di contenuto “ER News”. Questo tipo di contenuto si differenzia dalle Notizie normali di Plone per:

  • Possibilità di inserire tile in 3 slot diversi rispetto al testo centrale (sotto al titolo, sotto al corpo, colonna di destra)
  • Contenuto folderish (tipo le cartelle) per organizzare al suo interno contenuti aggiuntivi
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